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BOOK: The HOPE Formula
Book: The HOPE Formula

List Price: $25.95
Our Price: $22.05
Savings: $3.90

Product Code: RL17036

(Author, Brenda Watson, ND, CT)Brenda Watson's "The H.O.P.E. Formula" is the book offered through PBS during Brenda's successful PBS special of the same name. This book, though similar to Brenda's book titled "Renew Your Life" has additional chapters on the H.O.P.E. components which are High Fiber, Omega-3 Oils, Probiotics and Enzymes. Learn about a healthy digestive system and how it relates to the health of the rest of the body. Also learn about cleansing and detoxification and of course, the benefits of the H.O.P.E. Formula.

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